Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Script for Opening Sequence


Scene 1: 

  • Lighting: dark, being filmed at night.

  • Non-diegetic sound: Season of the Witch by Lana Del Ray begins playing

  • Cali walks to her car, gets in, and starts it. 

  • Cali pulls out of the driveway and starts driving down the street.

Scene 2:

  • Diegetic sound: (ding) Cali’s phone gets a notification and she looks at it while driving.

  • Cali: (while laughing) “Why would she send me this?”

  • Olivia is walking across the street listening to music loud in her headphones.

  • Olivia is not paying attention and looks at her phone.

  • Diegetic sound: tires screeching and car accident noises.

  • Lighting: dark, being filmed at night.

Scene 3:

  • Cali gets out of the car and is panicking.

  • Cali picks Olivia up and brings Olivia to Cali’s backyard. 

  • Cali: (sighing) “I’ll deal with this tomorrow.”

Scene 4:

Lighting: Daytime

  • Cali picks Olivia’s body up and puts her in the trunk,

  • Cali starts driving to the place where she will dump Olivia’s body

  • Cali’s phone starts ringing

  • Friend: “Hey, are you okay? We haven’t seen you recently.”

  • Cali: “Yeah, I’m fine. I have to go, I’ll call you later.”

  • Friend: “Why do you sound so out of breath?”

  • Cali: “Gotta go, bye.” 

Scene 5:

  • Cali arrives at the park where she will dump Olivia’s body. 

  • Cali takes Olivia’s body out of the car and takes her to the spot where she will bury her.

  • Cali starts digging.

  • Cali finishes digging. 

  • Cali goes back to the car and starts driving. 

Scene 6:

  • Cali hears a voice behind her

  • Olivia: (whispering) “Why would you do this?”

  • Olivia: (whispering) “You’re gonna pay for this.”

  • Olivia: (whispering) “I’m gonna get you.”

  • Cali is worried, but quickly thinks nothing of it.

  • Cali turns up the radio and starts singing the song.

  • Cali’s phone chimes (ding), and a text from an unknown number appears that reads

            I’m gonna get you, along with another text that reads the directors' names. 
  • Cali gasps.


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Final CCR

  Here my CCR enjoy! Had so much fun making it!