The first scene that we were going to film would be my partner pulling into the parking spot. Since I would not be featured in the shot I filmed from a distance. Once the scene was completed we were onto the next. I drove my friends and I are around the park to find the perfect place for filming. It took us about five minutes to find a place but we finally found it. I was looking for a place that was open but had nice scenery around it then looks like it was remote. The place we found had a nice flat area. I smeared the fake blood that we had made all over myself. Once I was satisfied with the way it looked I began to help my partner. We tried to make it look as realistic as possible when it came to the places we were placing blood. For these next shots, my friend Cayden would have to help film us. This is because both Lily and I would need to be in the shot. Lily would pick me up and throw me over her shoulder and lay me down on the ground for the shot as if she were about to bury me. The next shot is a low-angle shot of Lily throwing dirt onto the camera. In the final product, it will appear as if she is throwing dirt onto me. We reviewed the shots we took to make sure what we did match our storyboard and her script. We even went as far as to create extra scenes as a backup. Once that is over Lily and I are covered in corn syrup from head to toe. So I asked my friend Cayden if he could drive us to the bathroom in the park where Lily and I could clean off most of the corn syrup. We were able to clean most of it off.
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