My group and I began the filming process today. We started our day off by changing into our costumes and preparing all our props. My groupmate Julianna brought a camera stabilizer for her phone so all our shots would be smooth and seamless. Sean's scene was chosen to be filmed first, so he changed into his costume that consisted of a Nike shirt, Nike shorts, socks, and cleats. We walked off to our field and scoped out the area in search of the best place to film. We decided he should kick the soccer ball into the field goal post. Filming this took a bit of time due to the fact that we were still learning how to use the device that Julianna brought. But when we were done with this shot it came out looking amazing. The next shot we filmed was Julianna's, due to the fact that we were going to film in the same spot so it would not make sense to leave then come back. Wasting very valuable time. For her shot, it did not take a long time because it was just her running. For her scene, she had a Nike running shirt, Nike shorts, Nike shoes, and a Nike headband. Next was my scene, for this I changed into Nike shorts, a Nike shirt, Nike socks, and Nike shoes. For the scene, we decided I would look like I was doing drills and I would do a few tricks. My scene was also very fast and easy to film because we had finally gotten the hang of things. Last but not least we have Beckett's shot. This one was probably the easiest since it is just a shot of him walking and picking up a ball with Nike shoes on. Julianna filmed most of the scenes and I filmed one. Now all that is left is one more shot and the editing process.
Thursday, September 30, 2021
Tuesday, September 28, 2021
Story Board Blog
Story Board
The First shot: (NIKE check on paper)
The first shot will be the statement piece of the commercial. A “teacher” will be grading a test and write a check onto a paper. The shot will start off with a behind head shot to see what the teacher is doing. She will lift her hand and quickly write a check onto the test. The camera will then zoom in onto the check mark, this is what leads the storyboard to the next part.
The Second shot: (Sean & Soccer)
The music starts here, immediately after the shot before. Our group is using the song “Eye of the Tiger”. The camera will zoom out on Sean’s cleat as he is kicking the soccer ball into the goal. This will cause a flow to the commercial. We will create a spin transition into Sean’s gray NIKE soccer shirt.
The Third shot: (Kaya & Volleyball)
Due to the previous shot ending in a Spinning Transition, the third shot will continue the transition by spinning out of Kaya’s Nike shoes. Kaya will be practicing drill volleyball techniques while using the wall. Kaya will also smack the ball on to the floor. However, the camera will follow the ball this time as it is spiking down which will lead on to the next shot.
The Fourth shot: (Julie & Track)
The fourth’s shot preparatory transition will be the follow on of the end transition in the volleyball shot (the camera spiking down). The camera will spike sharply down onto Julies NIKE headband while Julie is running track. Julie is going to look at her apple watch while slowing down. Julie is going to act out of breath while sweating and drinking water dramatically.
The Fifth shot: (Beckett & his NIKES)
The fifth shot will be the cue to stop the music so that Beckett can come in. The main purpose of the shot is to calm down the movement that was present. We might add happy calm music to cause a humorous effect. This will be to emphasize the fact that Beckett is just relaxing while everyone is sweating doing exercise. Beckett will then flex his Nike shoes exaggeratingly.
The Sixth shot: (NIKE logo)
This will be the end of our commercial, it is expected to be short. This shot will start with the end of the “Eye of the Tiger” song while the “Just do it” NIKE logo is present on the screen.
Thursday, September 23, 2021
Research blog
While researching we watched a lot of videos of old and current NIKE commercials. Many of their commercials featured some people playing a sport. Because of this, we decided we should include at least one sport or player in our commercial. Another thing they showed a lot of was people running or walking around. Since they showed this a lot as well, we decided we should also use it in our commercial. Another thing they showed was a lot of close-ups of NIKE shirts or shorts or even shoes. We plan to include this in our commercial as well because they did. Their ads also included many close-ups. They did close-ups of their faces, the activity being done, their logos, and many more things. We plan to replicate this effect in our commercial. Another thing is they always zoom out, go to black, and show their logo and the words “Just do it.” We will do it at the end of our commercial to try to properly replicate this. A lot of recent ads have been showing people struggling at something or just starting it. For example, the ad titled “Play New” was all about people trying new sports and sucking at them. Because they do this in all their new ads, we might include someone struggling in our ad. This is to add an effect that reaches out to everyone of all levels. We want to make our commercial have that Nike feel. When we use multiple activities, it is targeting a larger audience. Nike commercials include music and sometimes voiceovers. The music is upbeat and motivational. We want to use this in our commercial. Overall, we want to get inspiration from NIKE commercials to help aid us.
Planning Blog
For our group commercial project, we are revolving around NIKE clothing and shoes. When someone sees a NIKE commercial, they see athletes wearing their apparel and in use. To represent this aspect of their commercials we have decided to wear some of their apparel. We will be wearing NIKE shoes like sneakers and sports cleats. We will also wear their everyday attire like their shirts and shorts. We are even going to wear some of their exercise gear like headbands. For the lighting, we will be using the natural sunlight that is out while we are filming. Because we must rely on the weather and natural sunlight, we will be watching the weather reports to find the best date and time to film. Some of the activities we hope to do in our commercial are playing sports like soccer or volleyball. We will also attempt to include activities like running and walking while in the NIKE attire. For our commercial the only make-up we will be using is hairstyles. For the people playing sports, we will tie their hair back to make it look more authentic. We plan to have many props in our commercial. Most of our props will be used for sports scenes such as a soccer and a volleyball. We will be filming in various settings around our school. For the soccer scene, we will film at the soccer fields. For the volleyball scene, we will film at the volleyball court. For the running and walking scenes, we will film at the track and the main school stairs. We plan to edit all the clips together smoothly to make it look like one take. We also hope to add music, such as the eye of the tiger, to the final cut of the commercial.
Here is a simple breakdown using CLAMPS in bullet point form.
Costume: Nike tennis shoes, shorts, shirts, cleats, headbands, etc.
Lighting: Natural sunlight.
Actions: running, walking, soccer, and volleyball.
Makeup: the tying back of hair for athletic events.
Props: soccer balls, volleyballs, and water bottles.
The setting will be the school stairs, soccer field, and track.
In post-production, we will add music and cut and edit the raw footage.
Eye of the Tiger.
Schedule: Our teacher gave us a schedule to follow and what will occur each day in class. It goes like this:
9/23/21- Research and Planning
9/24/21 through 9/28/21- Storyboard
9/30/21 and 10/4/21- Filming
10/6/21 and 10/8/21- Editing
10/13/21- CCR (reflection)
Backup Plan:
If we were to have a change in plans due to the weather, we would change the location and theme of the Nike commercial. For example, we would use the media center stairs or building 17 stairs and focus more on clothing than athletics. If one or more of our group mates can easily switch roles and or improvise since we have 4 people in our group total.
Wednesday, September 22, 2021
Group Blog
For the Commercial Project, I chose to work with my table mates. Their names are Julianna, Sean, and Beckett. I chose to work with Juliana because she seems very put together and I believe I can trust her with my grade. I just met her this year but she is very nice. I have known Sean and Beckett since middle school. Therefore I have had more time to get to know them. Sean is a very focused and dilligent worker. And Beckett is really smart and creative. Together I think we are capable of putting together a great commercial. Our brainstorming session was a huge sucsess. Working with such creative people is going to make the final product come out looking amazing. While also making the film process swift and easy. I believe Sean and Beckett will bring an aspect of comedy to our commercial because they are very funny. They are also great with technology, that will really contribute to the amount of time we spend editing. From what I have observed Jullianna is great at keeping track of things. And knowing whats going on at aall times. Im really looking forward to starting this project. And im excited to see the result.
Monday, September 20, 2021
Intro Blog
My name is Kaya Jan Zeeler. I was born in Hollywood, Florida on September 4th, 2005. I am currently 16 years old, I look forward to being able to drive this December. I play on the Volleyball team for my school, Fort Lauderdale High. One interesting thing about me is that I like cars. My dream cars are Lancia Stratos and a 1989 Lamborgini Countach. I am an only child and I live with my mom and dad. I have a pet dog named Roxy and we have had her for about 5 years. I recently got a job at a restaurant named Top Round. Here I work as an ice cream maker, cashier, server, etc. I really like my job because it helps me to learn how to better communicate with people. This is my first year of high school where all the students are in person, I am a Sophomore now. I would say my favorite subject is European History. While my least favorite is Science and Math. In my free time, I like to hang out with friends. When I and my friends hang out, we tend to go shopping or go out to eat. Not only do I like hanging out with my friends, but I also enjoy going to the beach and sunbathing. My favorite food is sushi and homemade empanadas. My mom knows how to cook them very well because she is Hispanic. I can speak 2 languages fluently, English and Spanish.
1. How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences of the film? Which ones? In the opening sequence of the film, there are 2 ...
Medium shots, over-the-shoulder shots, two shots, close-ups, and long shots are all common camera angles in comedy. All of these camera angl...